The popular dark action-adventure game series based on Alice in Wonderland is dead/kaput/finished, says creator American McGee. This series saw two entries released roughly ten years apart, the...
Category: News
In an ongoing effort to curb the cutthroat competition from the streaming business, Crunchyroll is now offering a direct bundle with Amazon Prime Video. This is similar behavior to other platforms...
Nintendo is releasing a set of strict new rules for fans that organize small-scale tournaments around its games. These gatherings, defined as "Community Tournaments" in the guidelines, set strict...
Skyrim has had such incredible longevity thanks to constant re-releases. For a game that originally came out in 2011, why has it been put on new generations of systems so many times? Not only is it...
Instagram is testing a toggle that filters your feed to only see posts from users who are Meta Verified, according to Adam Mosseri. Mosseri wrote, "We're exploring this as a new control for people...
In spite of the strip clubs and sex workers that are spread across all entries in the GTA series, the concept of love as a feature is rather scarce. Every now and again, Rockstar Games has peppered...