SEGA revolutionized arcades, created Sonic The Hedgehog, and also gave us the glorious Yakuza series along the way. Unfortunately, despite a 30-year tenure at the company, rising to as high as the chief creative officer, Yakuza series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi departed for NetEase in 2021.
In a move that shocked fans worldwide, he has now explained the reason a year after his resignation.
It was not that any artistic or creative differences forced his hand with SEGA, but rather the fact that he was promoted to roles that he simply wasn’t interested in. For this case, specifically, more executive and managerial positions.
He flat out told the owner that he does not want to become SEGA’s new CEO, for he is a “player and game maker,” and he desires to push his career in that direction instead.
After the departure, he claims to have been able to prioritize game development while maintaining a wholesome relationship with his former company and does not see any downsides to splitting.
As for the future, Nagoshi has only revealed that his new game is inspired by the films of Quentin Tarantino.
He listed the various elements he desires to include in his new IP, which seems to align with the Yakuza series. Plenty of violence, silliness, wackiness, and humanity all in one.