Twitch has launched a new Stories feature for the platform on mobile devices. It is currently limited to Partners and Affiliates that have streamed at least once in the past month (30 days).
Stories can be video clips, images, or freeform content using backgrounds, text, and emotes from channels. Unlike Instagram and Snapchat where such content expires after 24, Twitch Stories will sit on the web for 48 hours and deliver push notifications when a streamer puts out a new post. This helps creators give additional incentives to persuade viewers to subscribe.
To ensure safety, Twitch Stories will be held to the same Community Guidelines as other content on the platform. Any Stories found in violation of these guidelines can be reported.
More features will get added to Stories over time, including the creation of polls, editing of clips, video uploading, and user mentions.
Stories will be added to the app’s Discovery Feed, which was also announced at TwitchCon Paris. The feed will include clips from suggested streamers.
Twitch is currently designing these new features with mobile as the priority in mind. It does not want to become a complete social media platform.