The upcoming Forge mode in Halo Infinite, a staple feature of the franchise introduced back in 2007, enables players to create and customize their own maps to add replayability to the experience. Recently, a YouTuber by the alias Red Nomster crafted an entire level in the fashion of Disney Pixar’s Toy Story.
Forge is releasing in beta form during the Winter update and has been highly anticipated since launch. It lets you add your own mechanics and features to the game.
The level in the video looks and feels exactly like Andy’s room, the child who owned the collection of toys that came to life in the popular film.
One scene has the player riding a Mongoose down a Hot Wheels ramp, flying across the room, and landing straight into a Jenga tower surrounded by aliens from Pizza Planet. Another has you knocking over a perfectly stacked line of dominos in the traditional tumbling fashion.
Hitboxes surrounding the objects are perfectly sized, so you can easily shoot in-between books that you use for cover, etc.
A classic Pixar lamp sits above the table near Blue Base. A scripted animation lets you climb a belt to reach the top of the dresser to meet Mr. Potato Head. In addition, nearly every other toy from the movie is present somewhere in the room, including Mr. Slinky, amongst others.
What makes this work so impressive is the fact that it was created using completely primitive objects. A from-scratch work takes significantly longer than if the creator were to use pre-fabs or existing templates.
Red Nomster’s creation is an inspiring look at the future of Forge and what incredible maps the community will have the power to make going forward.