Directed by Jon Favreau, The Mandalorian and Grogu is a new feature film in the Disney Star Wars series coming to theaters. It goes into production in 2024, according to Lucasfilm.
Favreau created the incredibly popular series The Mandalorian (2019), which served as a launch title for Disney Plus. It follows the adventures of bounty hunter Din Djarin, who lives as a mercenary until he chooses to go against his client’s wishes and protect an alien named Grogu. The character Grogu was originally called ‘Baby Yoda’ by fans.
While the Disney Plus series, which has aired three seasons, takes place after the events of Return of the Jedi (1983), it remains unclear where The Mandalorian and Grogu will fit into the overall canon timeline.
In a statement, Jon Favreau said, “I have loved telling stories set in the rich world that George Lucas created…the prospect of bringing the Mandalorian and his apprentice Grogu to the big screen is extremely exciting.”
The Mandalorian and Grogu represents the first official Disney Star Wars film since 2019’s Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, which concluded the original nine-chapter “Skywalker” saga. Since this time, Star Wars has received two additional live-action TV series in the “Mando”-verse, which include The Book of Boba Fett (2021) and Ahsoka (2023), in addition to the upcoming Skeleton Crew.
We do know of three other confirmed feature films in the works for Star Wars as announced at Celebration 2023, including one focusing on Rey, a Jedi and Force Origins story, and a Theatrical event show tie-in. However, The Mandalorian and Grogu film is leading the development slate.