The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night – Cheats & Unlockables

the legend of spyro: the eternal night - cheats and unlockables

Here are all the guides, tips, and strategies to enjoy playing The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night with cheats and unlockables.

PlayStation 2 Cheats

All FeathersPause L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, L2, R2, R2, L2, Start Pause
All Magic at MaxPause L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, R1, R2, R2, R1, Start Pause
Change to Dark SpyroPause R2 L2 R2 L2 L1 L1 R1 R1 L1 R1 L2 L2 R2 R2 Pause
Unlimited Dragon TimePause L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, R1, L1, L1, R1, Start Pause
Unlimited HealthPause L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, R2, L2, R1, L1 Start Pause
Unlimited MagicPause L2, R2, R2, L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, L1, R1, L2, R2, Start Pause

Nintendo Wii Cheats

All FeathersPause C, Z, Z, C, Left, Right, Right, Left, C, Z, Z, C, Pause
All Magic at MaxPause C, Z, Z, C, Left, Right, Right, Left, -, Z, Z, -, Pause
Change to Dark SpyroPause Z C Z C + + – – + – C C Z Z pause
Unlimited Dragon TimePause C, Z, Z, C, Left, Right, Right, Left, -, +, +, -, Pause
Unlimited HealthPause C, Z, Z, C, Left, Right, Right, Left, Z, C, -, + Pause
Unlimited MagicPause C, Z, Z, C, Left, Right, Right, Left, +, -, C, Z, Pause

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night is an action-adventure game developed by Krome Studios and released in 2007 for Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and Game Boy Advance.

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