Starfield – Should You Choose Deep Cover or Delivering Devils

deep cover or delivering devils starfield

During the faction questlines in Starfield, you will eventually encounter a choice between two missions, which include Deep Cover and Delivering Devils.

Faction quests are key to advancing the main story and developing relationships with groups in the game. However, you cannot complete all quests simultaneously due to shared locations and storyline dependencies. Two examples include Deep Cover (Crimson Fleet) and Delivering Devils (United Colonies).

If you want to advance multiple groups, Deep Cover and Delivering Devils can be played back to back to make initial progress in separate factions.

Deep Cover

Commander Tusla tasks you with joining the crew of the UC Ship Vigilance under Commander Ikande, where you will gather intel on the Crimson Fleet’s plans.

Delivering Devils

After assisting the UC in tracking down missing supplies during Grunt Work, you receive a report that a UC scientist may have information regarding the strange Terrormorph mutations. Dr. Percival Walker has gone missing from a research outpost.

This quest requires you to track down clues to discover what happened to Walker and what he may have discovered about the mutated aliens.

Although both quests do not offer major rewards, completing both is worthwhile to gain faction standing with either the Crimson Fleet or United Colonies early on in your adventure.

Starfield is an action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and initially released worldwide in 2023 for PC and Xbox Series X|S.

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