Square Enix Staff Want A Final Fantasy VI Remake

final fantasy vi remake

A remake of Final Fantasy VI is a popular topic of discussion amongst development teams at Square Enix, with many employees eager to see it happen.

Yoshinori Kitase served as Director of the initial SNES release back in 1994. Now assuming the position of Vice President, a board member, and executive officer at the company, Kitase went on Square Enix’s YouTube channel to discuss the possibility.

Final Fantasy VI has received ports to many modern systems, particularly with its recent Pixel Remaster, and is considered one of the three best entries in the entire series next to VII and X. However, Kitase expressed concern with the workload required to truly re-envision the game in a modern framework.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is not yet finished so I am not able to think about it, but for Final Fantasy VI, there are many Final Fantasy VI fans inside the company and they often ask me: ‘when are we making six?’ 

Yoshinori Kitase

The challenge with remaking Final Fantasy VI was further emphasized by series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, who stated that the classic 2D format and pixel art would be extremely complicated to redo. So much so that he went a step further to claim that it would demand a complete overhaul of the story.

Still, in spite of the challenge, Sakaguchi clearly wants a remake of Final Fantasy VI to happen, asking Kitase “Won’t you release it a little sooner?”.

It’s important to remember the difference between a remake and a remaster. Final Fantasy VII Remake includes the former term in its name because it goes far beyond applying modern graphics and general quality-of-life improvements.

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