Amazon Prime users have threatened to cancel their subscriptions after the video streaming service announced a major change to viewing. Starting January 29 in the US and Canada, Prime Video will be showing ads. It will extend to customers in the UK and Germany beginning February 5.
According to FlixPatrol statistics, Prime Video is the second largest video-on-demand platform, just behind Netflix. It offers some incredible exclusive shows including The Boys and Good Omens. Many people are motivated to subscribe just because it bundles with fast shipping.
On Reddit, a number of customers expressed their frustrations regarding the inclusion of an ad-supported tier.
It’s important to know that watching ads will only be required if you don’t subscribe to the new premium ad-free option, which is set to cost users an additional $2.99 per month.
One user claiming to be familiar with the industry said, “Work in the industry and the steaming ad revenue is the new frontier.
They’ve created basic cable but you pay them directly. This is the ‘revolutionary’ future of streaming. They are all going to raise prices until the as supported tier makes sense.
What they don’t understand is that they’ve created an entire generation that WILL NOT WATCH ADS. If that means piracy? Then piracy will become a thing again.”