Pokémon X & Y Cheat Codes

pokemon x and y cheat codes

Here are all the guides, tips, and strategies to enjoy playing Pokémon X & Y with cheat codes.

Pokémon X & Y (2013) represent the sixth generation of mons from the Kalos region.

The game is enjoyable by itself, but cheating makes it even better. Always keep in mind to input codes with an Action Replay.

Note: before entering cheats, be aware that altering the game can cause random freezing and several other glitches.

How to enter cheat codes in Pokémon X and Y

There are several ways to enter cheat codes for Pokémon X & Y, depending on the device you are using to play.

Nintendo 3DS

If you’re using a Nintendo 3DS, insert your cartridge into an Action Replay.


If you’re using an emulator like Citra, follow the below steps:

  • Open the emulator
  • Emulation > Cheats > Search
  • Enter codes and hit OK

100% Catch Rate

Cheat code:
D3000000 00000000
58073334 0A000004
5053ED70 00000000
0053ED70 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
6053ED70 00000000
D9000000 0053ED70
D6000000 0053ED70
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
5053ED70 00000001
08073334 EA000004
D0000000 00000000

Access PC From Anywhere

Cheat code:
D3000000 00000000
003BBFA8 E3A00018
DD000000 00000200
003BBFA8 E3A00004
D0000000 00000000

All Berries

Cheat code:
C0000000 00000040
28C67FBE 00000063
DC000000 00000004
D1000000 00000000

All HP-Restoring Items

Cheat code:
C0000000 0000003F
28C67EBE 000000FF
DC000000 00000004
D1000000 00000000

All Items and Poké Balls

Cheat code:
C0000000 000000F0
28C67556 000000FF
DC000000 00000004
D1000000 00000000

All Level 100 Pokémon

After entering the code, press Y at the conclusion of a battle to activate.

Cheat code:
DD000000 00000800
481FB284 08200000
481FB624 08200000
B81FB284 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB288 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB28C 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB290 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB294 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB298 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB624 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB628 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB62C 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB630 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB634 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB638 00000000
00000008 00200000
D3000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Encounter Shiny Wild Pokémon

This code guarantees any wild Pokémon you encounter will be shiny. After entering the code, press START + L to enable, and press START + R to disable.

Cheat code:
6053ED8C E12FFF1E
0053ED80 E5C70004
0053ED84 EA000000
0053ED88 E5C71006
0053ED8C E12FFF1E
D0000000 00000000
580B9334 E5C70004
080B9334 EBF88291
D0000000 00000000
DD000000 00000208
0053ED84 E3A01001
D0000000 00000000
DD000000 00000108
0053ED84 EA000000
D0000000 00000000

Full Health

Press L after entering the code.

Cheat code:
DD000000 00000200
481FB284 08200000
481FB624 08200000
B81FB284 00000000
C0000000 00000002
DA000000 0000000E
D7000000 00000010
D3000000 00000000
B81FB624 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB288 00000000
C0000000 00000002
DA000000 0000000E
D7000000 00000010
D3000000 00000000
B81FB628 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB28C 00000000
C0000000 00000002
DA000000 0000000E
D7000000 00000010
D3000000 00000000
B81FB62C 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB290 00000000
C0000000 00000002
DA000000 0000000E
D7000000 00000010
D3000000 00000000
B81FB630 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB294 00000000
C0000000 00000002
DA000000 0000000E
D7000000 00000010
D3000000 00000000
B81FB634 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB298 00000000
C0000000 00000002
DA000000 0000000E
D7000000 00000010
D3000000 00000000
B81FB698 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Infinite Money

Money comes in Pokédollars, used to purchase items from the Pokémart and other stores throughout your trainer’s journey.

Cheat code:
08C6A69C 0098967F

Infinite AP

Cheat code:
481FB284 08200000
481FB624 08200000
B81FB284 00000000
C0000000 00000002
C0000000 00000004
20000118 00000063
20000119 00000063
2000011E 00000063
2000011F 00000063
DC000000 0000000E
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
B81FB624 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000


Cheat code:
481FB284 08200000
481FB624 08200000
B81FB284 00000000
1000000E 000003E7
10000010 000003E7
D3000000 00000000
B81FB624 00000000
1000000E 000003E7
10000010 000003E7
D2000000 00000000

Instant 999 Record (Berry Picker minigame)

Cheat code:
082A46B0 000003E7

Instant Egg Hatch

Cheat code:
D3000000 00000000
58072D14 0A000007
08072D14 EA000007
D0000000 00000000

Instant Messaging

Cheat code:
003F6FB4 E3A04003
003F7818 E3A05003

Max Poké Miles

Cheat code:
08C82B90 0098967F

No Cel Shading (Pokémon)

Cheat code:
D3000000 00000000
00361D34 00000000
00361D38 00000000
D2000000 00000000

No Random Encounters

This code disables random encounters with wild Pokémon. However, after entering the code, you can hold START for an instant encounter.

Cheat code:
580C79B0 E3A00064
080C79A8 E3A0B000
DD000000 00000008
080C79A8 E3A0B064
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000

Steal Trainers’ Pokémon

Cheat code:
D3000000 00000000
58075474 E5D00000
5053ED74 00000000
0053ED74 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
6053ED74 00000000
D9000000 0053ED74
D6000000 0053ED74
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
5053ED74 00000001
08075474 E3A0B000
08075478 E5C0B000
0807547C EA00000E
D0000000 00000000

View EVs and IVs on Status Screen

Press L + R after entering the code.

Cheat code:
00153184 E92D4070
00153230 E92D4070
004A23E4 E92D4070
004A2430 E92D4070
004A25E4 E92D4070
004A2630 E92D4070
004A2398 E92D4070
DD000000 00000200
00153184 EA0060EC
00153230 EA0060C1
004A23E4 EAF2C304
004A2430 EAF2C2FE
004A25E4 EAF2C2B4
004A2630 EAF2C2AE
004A2398 EAF2C30A
D0000000 00000000
DD000000 00000100
00153184 EA0060E1
00153230 EA0060B6
004A23E4 EAF2C2E1
004A2430 EAF2C2D9
004A25E4 EAF2C29E
004A2630 EAF2C296
004A2398 EAF2C2E9
D0000000 00000000

Walk Faster (D-Pad)

Cheat code:
58092F38 03A05007
08092DE4 13A05003
08092DE8 03A05002
08092F34 13A05005
08092F38 03A05003
D0000000 00000000

Walk Through Walls

Press R after entering the code.

Cheat code:
D3000000 00000000
0053ED50 E1A01000
0053ED54 E12FFF1E
0053ED58 E1A06000
0053ED5C E12FFF1E
DD000000 00000100
0053ED50 E3A01000
0053ED58 E3A06000
D0000000 00000000
580B5820 E1A01000
080B5820 EBF8914A
D0000000 00000000
580B3A1C E1A06000
080B3A1C EBF898CD
D0000000 00000000

Pokémon X & Pokémon Y are role-playing games developed by Game Freak and released worldwide in 2013 for the Nintendo 3DS.

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