Pokémon TCG Pocket Trading Unveiled, Devs Immediately Respond To Backlash

pokemon tcg pocket trading

Creatures, Inc. has finally revealed how trading will work in Pokémon TCG Pocket, but the community backlash was so fierce the devs had to issue a response.

The game is going to offer trading, but unfortunately, the restrictions are quite strict. Furthermore, it lacks a release date even though fans know it will drop by the end of the month.

Fans are complaining about the inability to trade cards of 2 Star rarity or higher. This means no ex level alternate art cards can be traded, not in their basic forms, rainbow bordered forms, immersive forms, or gold (Crown rarity) forms.

It was confirmed by Creatures, Inc. that only “certain cards from the Genetic Apex and Mythical Island booster packs will be able to be traded,” though it’s unclear if this solely refers to the 2 Star or higher restriction or if there are further cards banned from trading.

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