JavaScript Error: IPython Is Not Defined (Fix)

javascript error: ipython is not defined fix

In this guide, you will learn how to interpret JavaScript Error: IPython Is Not Defined, and how to fix it. IPython is a command shell originally developed to interact with Python code.

Every time JavaScript encounters a function or term, it will check the execution context. If the term is unknown or unfamiliar, JavaScript will throw an error message.

If IPython is not defined, it means that JavaScript needs to be told what it is.

Check Installation

IPython requires the installation of Python. What’s more, IPython needs to be configured to work with your IDE. That includes correct path information.

To check the current version of Python you have installed on your machine, run the following command in the Terminal:

python –-version

To check the current version of IPython you have installed on your machine, run the following command in the Terminal:

ipython –-version

You should always ensure you have downloaded and installed the latest version of Python and IPython.

Consider the use of the following function to check if code is being executed in IPython.

def is_running_in_ipython(): 
try: __IPYTHON__ 
return True 
except NameError: 
return False

Consider the use of the following function to check if IPython is defined in JavaScript:

// Check if IPython is defined 
if (typeof ipython === 'undefined') {
console.log("IPython is not loaded. Using alternative...");

Grab Missing Dependencies

Like any other library or package, there may be some missing dependencies that your installation of IPython requires. Run the following commands to check for and install missing dependencies.

This command will generate a requirements.txt file to note down all necessary dependencies.

pip freeze

This command will install all dependencies outlined in the requirements.txt file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Synchronous Loading Priority

All scripts in your HTML and JavaScript should be validated to load properly as well as synchronously.

// Loading IPython synchronously 
<script src="path_to_ipython_script.js" async="false"></script>

Try Loading IPython Alone

Consider loading IPython alone on a blank page to test if other scripts or CSS files may be causing problems with IPython.

<script src="path_to_ipython_script.js"></script>
<!-- Some IPython related code -->

Web Console Log

When testing your code within a web browser or hosted environment, use the developer tools to check what is being printed by the console. You should always attempt to log in your code anywhere you think an error could occur.


// Console output 
console.log("Check this for error details");

If IPython is not defined or fails for any reason, the console may provide the necessary error messages to help you solve the problem.

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