Many of the meals in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0 update require flour or whole-wheat flour. This guide shows you exactly how to get wheat in Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020) is exclusively available on Nintendo Switch.
Where to get wheat

The simplest way to go about farming wheat is by purchasing Wheat Start from Leif. You either need to wait for him to come to visit your island, which can happen once per week, or visit his stall at Harv’s Island Plaza.
Once you talk to Leif, you’ll be able to buy items from a rotating stock, including Wheat Start. These run at 280 bells a pop.
As an alternative, you can go on a boat tour with Kapp’n. Every trip costs 1,000 Nook Miles, with a small chance to visit an island containing wheat.
How to plant, grow, and harvest wheat

Wheat represents one of the six different types of crops available in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
To grow wheat, you’ll need to find a patch of land on your island where you intend to plant your Wheat Starts. Similar to bushes and flowers, it’s quite easy to map out placement by digging holes ahead of time.
Open your inventory, select the Wheat Starts, then select “Plant 1“. You will need five Wheat to craft five bags of flour. It helps to plant 5 of them in a horizontal or vertical line. You should water these Wheat Starts once per day until they grow up, which can take a total of four days.
After harvesting, your planted starts will offer Wheat for you to use.