How to Change a Pokémon’s Nature – Scarlet & Violet

how to change a pokemon's nature in scarlet and violet

A Pokémon’s nature reflects its personality, but in gameplay terms, affects its stats. This is how the mechanic has worked since its introduction in Generation 3. Here is how to change a Pokémon’s nature in Scarlet & Violet.

Natures are designed to increase one stat and the expense of another. For instance, Impish nature gains more Defense, but will not gain as much Special Attack. Therefore, Pokémon who specialize in defending have an advantage if they are of an Impish nature.

Every Pokémon has an ideal nature that is best fit for the meta, and since Generation 8, you as a trainer have the ability to change it.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Nature Guide

Nature(+) Stat(-) Stat
AdamantAttackSpecial Attack
CalmSpecial DefenseAttack
CarefulSpecial DefenseSpecial Attack
GentleSpecial DefenseDefense
ImpishDefenseSpecial Attack
JollySpeedSpecial Attack
LaxDefenseSpecial Defense
MildSpecial AttackDefense
ModestSpecial AttackAttack
NaughtyAttackSpecial Defense
QuietSpecial AttackSpeed
RashSpecial AttackSpecial Defense
SassySpecial DefenseSpeed

How to Change a Pokémon’s Nature in Scarlet and Violet

You can change natures by purchasing mints from Chansey Supply for $20,000 each. They are also available as rewards from Tera Raids. Mints are named after natures.

Once you use a mint on the chosen Pokémon, that Pokémon’s stats will change, but the nature will not reflect the difference in their summary. Make sure to use a mint only once on a Pokémon whose nature you wish to alter.

How to Breed Specific Pokémon Natures

Natures can be inherited through the breeding process. This involves giving an Everstone to the parent Pokémon who holds the nature you want. As a result, the offspring will be forced to have the same nature.

You can purchase an Everstone from Delibird Presents (under the General Goods category) for $3,000.

Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet are role-playing games developed by Game Freak and released in 2022 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

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