Hogwarts Legacy – Does It Support Crossplay?

hogwarts legacy is it crossplay

In this guide, you will learn if Hogwarts Legacy offers crossplay support across multiple systems.

The ability to play cross-platform and carry-over progression is an increasingly popular trend amongst gamers who travel or may need to use different systems in their household depending on who is currently playing on them.

Is Hogwarts Legacy Crossplay?

No, Hogwarts Legacy does not support crossplay or cross-progression. This is primarily due to the game being a single-player experience with no multiplayer. For those who desire to share progress across different systems, this is clearly disappointing news.

However, it is possible that crossplay may be added in the future or in a sequel.

Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing game developed by Avalanche Software and initially released in 2023 for PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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