In this guide, you will learn how to get Rapunzel while playing Disney Dreamlight Valley.
Getting Rapunzel requires access to the ‘A Rift In Time’ expansion. Once you have access to The Grasslands, you can find Rapunzel on the far left of the biome behind a waterfall.
How to Get Rapunzel in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Speak to her, then use your hourglass tool to clear the nearby gray floating rocks. Return and speak with her again, and she will request you seek out two more gray floating rocks that contain Sun Core pieces (one at The Docks, the other in The Plains). These are in random locations in the biomes. Simply keep removing the gray floating rocks until you get the other two Sun Core pieces, then create the Sun Core at a crafting bench.
Use the Sun Core on the large door where you met Rapunzel. On the other side, speak to her, then run forward to catch the Sun Core floating around the platform below. It can be placed in the sundial on the same platform.
Rapunzel will now ask you to locate Floating Sundial Gears, found throughout Eternity Isle. Some will need to be chased down while others are stationary. If you glide towards them, they will be easy to find. When you have them all, speak to Rapunzel again.
Interact with the sundial once more to unlock a path across to a small island, then clear the gray floating rocks and speak with Rapunzel again. Pay 4,000 Mist to gain access to The Grove.
Once you have unlocked The Grove, visit the area to meet Rapunzel by her tower. She will ask you to locate some vine seeds in The Plains. Head there and locate spots you can dig up with little bits of vines poking out. They are easy to locate, so it should not take too long to acquire 3 of them.
Return to The Grove, speak to Rapunzel, then remove the swirling sands around the base of the tower. Afterward, use the 3 vine seeds and interact with the tower to make them grow. Then, enter the tower.
Examine the chest inside the tower and spawn a sand version of Mother Gothel, then watch Rapunzel face her. Finally, you will be able to open the chest containing Rapunzel’s Paints, and then give them to her to unlock her as a villager.
Disney Dreamlight Valley is a life simulation adventure game developed by Gameloft Montreal and released in 2023 for PC, Mac, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and tvOS.