Although Lionsgate is planning two more John Wick films, the studio is considering creating a "big AAA game" based on the popular action franchise. During an earnings call, Jon Feltheimer, the CEO...
Category: News
In a stunning turn of events, HBO has canceled Westworld, its major sci-fi drama, after four seasons. This info comes as soon as Season 4 concluded in August. According to an article issued by The...
WoW Players Can Receive A Recap Of Their Warcraft Journey With A Tweet
Using inspiration from the Warcraft Twitter community's passion for lore, players can take a step back and observe their accomplishments throughout their journey. Read more: What Vanilla WoW...
Google announced company plans last year to bring Google Play Games, its service that allows mobile games to be played on other platforms, to PCs. The initial beta test was launched earlier this...
Xbox Loses $200 For Every Console Sold, According To Phil Spencer
According to Phil Spencer, the CEO of Microsoft Gaming, the company loses up to $200 on every Xbox console sold. It was also disclosed by Spencer that the company subsidizes production costs from...
PlayStation VR 2 Announced, Launches On February 22 for $550
Sony has confirmed that the PlayStation VR 2 will be launching on February 22nd for $550. The company will also be selling it in a bundle with Horizon Call of the Mountain that comes with the system...