At New York Comic-Con 2023 (NYCC), Toei Animation made an announcement for an all-new Dragon Ball anime series arriving in fall 2024. The latest entry in the franchise is called Dragon Ball...
Category: News
Valve Is Ending Counter-Strike 2 Support for Mac and Older Systems
Valve has announced it will no longer support Counter-Strike 2, the free updated version of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), on macOS, DirectX9, and 32-bit operating systems. The good news...
Daredevil: Born Again is resetting production and releasing current writers in a major overhaul to Marvel's approach to the television business. According to The Hollywood Reporter, lead writers...
According to a report by Variety, the actors who worked on Justice League (2017) under Zack Snyder will not be reprising their roles in future DCU projects. Although the article included some drama...
Developers at Avalanche Studios and CD Projekt Red Have Unionized
Developers at Avalanche Studios Group and CD Projekt Red have separately unionized in the modern era of labor organization in the gaming industry. Over 100 staff at Avalanche Studios (Just Cause,...
Halo Infinite Update Brings New Mode, New Maps, and Progression Changes
Halo Infinite Season 5: Reckoning launches on October 17, and offers the new Extraction game mode, new maps, new cosmetics, and revamped...