Matthew Perry, the actor most famously known as Chandler Bing in the hit 90's sitcom Friends, has passed away at age 54 from an apparent drowning. In spite of his incredible resume and numerous...
Category: News
Adult Film Actress Riley Reid Launches Clona.AI, A Sexting Chatbot
Sure, Riley Reid is one of the most well-known and respected adult film stars of our time. But did you know that she's also a big media investor? One of her biggest projects as of late is none other...
‘The Social Network 2’ Is Being Considered, Says David Fincher
David Fincher, the director of the Oscar-winning film about the founding of Facebook, has now confirmed that there have been talks about a potential sequel to The Social Network (2010). The...
Destiny 2 Players Can Access Their Vault From Orbit In Season 23
Destiny 2 players will finally be able to access their vault from orbit starting in Season 23. This makes changing gear much faster. With so many weapons and armor pieces to choose from, limited...
In the wake of corporate restructuring after Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard, Sarah Bond has been made the President of Xbox. Bond is tasked with overseeing the entire Xbox platform...
With Season 19: Ignite of Apex Legends right around the corner, beginning on Halloween, many players have felt as if Christmas came early after developer Respawn Entertainment made the announcement...