In this guide, you will learn how to get Walleye while playing Stardew Valley. Walleye is a seasonal fish that requires players to pay attention to the time, place, and weather while trying to...
Category: Stardew Valley
In this guide, you will learn how to get largemouth bass while playing Stardew Valley. Largemouth Bass is a common fish in the game but is relatively hard to catch and necessary for several...
In this guide, you will learn how to get Duck Feather while playing Stardew Valley. Duck Feather is a unique item for dyeing clothing items and sold for a good price. While it is not required for...
In this guide, you will learn how to get and use Rare Seed while playing Stardew Valley. Rare Seed is a useful crop that allows you to make Sweet Gem Berry, which sells for 3000g each. It is not...
In this guide, you will learn how to make Hay while playing Stardew Valley. Hay is one of the best food sources for animals in the game. Players need to keep stock of it so their cattle will not...
In this guide, you will learn how to catch Lingcod, a predator fish in Stardew Valley. To make it easier to catch Lingcod, it is recommended that the player have a Fishing Level of 3 and use...