Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi is an anthology series released on Disney+ in October 2022. The show delves into various stories of former Jedi, including and especially Count Dooku and Ahsoka Tano. It...
Category: Features
Final Fantasy VII Remake is a 2020 JRPG by Square Enix that was, perhaps, the most anticipated release in the history of the company. The experience showed off Midgar and the beloved cast of...
What Vanilla WoW Classic Got Right Compared To TBC And Wrath
Although gaming industry giant Blizzard Entertainment may have left a negative impression on players in recent times, the famous studio behind the world's most successful MMO made one of the best...
With all the immense hype and marketing speculation surrounding cryptocurrency on the Blockchain, as seen especially in popular coins like Ether, Dogecoin, and Shiba Inu, it comes as no surprise that...
The various genres that encompass Anime have a habit of producing similar protagonists, like the highly energetic heroes in popular shonens or the hopeless romantics featured in shojos. Anime Zodiac...
Designed by SEGA to compete with Nintendo's Mario, the blue blur known as Sonic the Hedgehog became an immediate success with Sega Genesis fans in 1991. If you've completed your backlog of Sonic...