The Final Fantasy series, known for its rich storytelling, explores diverse themes across its core entries. Here’s a summary of the major themes in each game. Note: This article contains...
Category: Features
The evil genius Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, a longtime nemesis of Sonic the Hedgehog, is known for his relentless attempts to conquer the world using his signature creations—robots (nicknamed...
Godzilla, the King of the Monsters, is an epic kaiju movie franchise that originated with the classic 1954 film of the same name from the Japanese entertainment company known as Toho Co., Ltd. Since...
Persona Series Director Reveals the Secret to Atlus’ Popular Games
Katsura Hashino, the man who led the successful development of Persona 3, Persona 4, and Persona 5, knows how to achieve his vision when it comes to making games. In addition to the modern Persona...
Combat is at the forefront of video games. From swords that wield ancient magic to futuristic guns that defy the laws of physics, the world of interactive entertainment has given us some of the most...
Emulation is, perhaps, the most important aspect of the gaming industry. For decades, the modder/hacker community has worked tirelessly to create software versions of past video game consoles that...