ATV Offroad Fury 4 – Cheats & Unlockables

ATV Offroad Fury 4 cheats

Here are all the guides, tips, and strategies to enjoy playing ATV Offroad Fury 4 with cheats and unlockables.


75,000 Credits!MegaWedge!
Unlock All TracksTraxAhoy
Unlock All SponsorsuDunGud


Complete the following P2P championships in classic mode to unlock the vehicles listed.

UnlockableHow to Get
Chimera (truck)Complete P2P with the truck on expert difficulty.
Fireball (truck)Complete P2P with bike on expert difficulty.
Goliath (truck)Complete P2P with the truck on normal difficulty.
Guv’nor 650 (bike)Complete P2P with the bike on normal difficulty.
Hurricane (buggy)Complete P2P with the buggy on normal difficulty.
Renegade (buggy)Complete P2P with the ATV on expert difficulty.
Samurai (ATV)Complete P2P with the ATV on normal difficulty.
Storm (buggy)Complete P2P with the buggy on expert difficulty.

ATV Offroad Fury 4 is a racing game developed by Climax Racing and initially released in 2006 for PlayStation 2.

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