Star Wars: Tales of the Empire was recently announced and is a new six-part animated anthology that serves as a counterpart to Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi. A trailer and key art reveal...
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Actor Tom Felton, known for portraying Draco Malfoy in the film series, has revealed that other cast members were unsure if the series would succeed. Consequently, each of the films were made as...
Happy Gilmore 2 In The Works For Netflix, According to Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore confirms Happy Gilmore 2 is in the works for Netflix. Adam Sandler and Tim Herlihy will return to develop the script. In a clip released on a recent episode of "The Drew Barrymore...
Apple Is Finally Allowing Retro Game Emulators On The App Store
For the first time since its debut in 2008, the App Store will finally allow retro game emulators on the marketplace. In a recent update, the Cupertino-based company announced that both game...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a mandate for the Federation to produce video game consoles that can compete with PlayStation and Xbox. The nation's tech industry has until June 15 to...
Monster taming and creature collecting are some of the most popular genres in games. Given the breakout success of Palworld, the genre extends far beyond the turn-based fighting mechanics of time...