Fantasian: Neo Dimension Ports Sakaguchi’s RPG To Consoles

fantasian neo dimension

Fantasian, an RPG developed by Final Fantasy series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi exclusively for Apple Arcade, is coming to consoles and PC this holiday season. The port has been rebranded as Fantasian: Neo Dimension. It represents the latest game by Sakaguchi’s studio, Mistwalker.

This RPG is story-driven with turn-based combat, featuring music and composition from legendary composer Nobuo Uematsu.

One of the most unique elements of Fantasian is the physical diorama backdrops created for the game, an idea that Mistwalker explored for its other mobile title, Terra Wars. What’s more, this RPG features unique combat mechanics with the ability to skip random encounters by banishing enemies to “Dimengions” where the player can later take them out with powerful AOE attacks.

Fantasian: Neo Dimension launches Winter 2024 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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